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preview of Connect 4

Connect 4

Connect 4 tokens horizontally, vertically, or diagonally in a row.

preview of Minesweeper


Try to flip all safe tiles as fast as you can without revealing any mines.

preview of Slide Puzzle

Slide puzzle

Slide tiles around until all tiles are in order.

preview of Concentration


Match cards with the lowest amount of flips. Or click a button and watch it solve itself!

preview of ChessJS

ChessJS Engine

An incomplete chess engine and AI that uses bitboards for move generation.

preview of Tetris


The popular game, Tetris, implemented in the browser.

preview of John Conway's Game of Life

John Conway's Game of Life

A cellular automaton invented by Cambridge mathematician, John Conway.

preview of Maze Generator

Maze Generator

Watch mazes of various sizes generate in realtime using a hybrid of Wilson's Algorithm and Aldous-broder's Algorithm.

preview of Battleship


A silly game of battleship set in the far future.

preview of Plane Boarding simulation

Plane Boarding simulation

A terrible simulation of various boarding methods.

preview of Glitch text library

Glitch Text

A javascript library that makes your text look glitchy!